For the past couple months, during any free time I conger up, I have found myself sitting in front of the television, in the same spot on my couch. Well it’s not really a couch but a below average sized love seat. I have sat in a bean bag chair that is more comfortable. The spot on my so called couch actually has a permanent indent where my butt has been parked. You may ask yourself, “How can a social butterfly, like me, watch so much TV?” Well, I am not watching TV, I am watching “Sex and the City.” This show has changed my life, okay, not really but it is definitely entertaining, and a great guide to “dos and don’ts” for relationships. To all the guys out there, believe me when I say this, “Your jaw will drop at how erotic this show is.” Let me clarify this, I do not watch if for the soft porn, but for the character plots, clothes, hairstyles, and accessories.
The show is based around four best friends and their (sex) lives. Episodes are situated around a relationship/sex philosophy question that Sarah Jessica Parker (SJP) presents to New Yorkers by way of her sex column. These are usually addressed through frequent relationship/sex conversations with her friends. Typically in each episode, the four main girls meet at one of NYC new and thriving restaurants or a favorite café for drinks or a bite to eat. During this time they talk about men, relationships, sex, and more sex related topics. I always laugh at how blunt they are and wonder, do woman actually have locker room gossip when they are out to lunch? They’re things that friends just don’t openly say in public, or even at all. My friends and I never talk about things intimate. Don’t people believe in the old saying “don’t kiss and tell” or are we living in a world of innocence where we are all just to insecure and shy to talk about these sort of things.
The show is addicting but I find it hard to imagine any woman squandering their money away by purchasing expensive (> $400.00) shoes, and outfits that are more than what a one bedroom apartment in NYC will cost. Still I like how some of the characters can dress over the top (SJP) by wearing blinding colours, weird patterns, outrageous accessories (like gigantic fake flowers pinned to you right breast—Oh my gosh!), and splendid hair styles. But other characters keep it professional, wearing sleek dresses and business suites. You just don’t see this kind of fashion on any other television show. The individual styles of each character truly fits their personality, and always makes you wonder what they will wear next.
After watching episode after episode, you start to ask yourself questions concerning your own past, present, or future relationships, while manifesting the perfect guy (yum yum). Because of the relationship themes, once you have finished watching the show you find yourself attempting to answer the questions that were presented. Do I dress to impress or am I more conservative? Does everyone have a soul mate? Have I let my soul mate get away or can you have more than one? Does romance still exist? Wow, these questions are exhausting, and if you think about it, if answered, what kind of affect will they have on your life? None! But you did lose valuable time and sleep pondering them.
I have just finished watching the entire 6 seasons, and have to say "I will miss it!"