Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cell phone usage

Just because I own a cell phone doesn’t mean that I have to answer it 24/7. I have had people leave messages on my cell or tell me in person they have no idea why I have a cell phone if I never answer it or have it on. Let me make something clear, yes I do have a cell phone and no I don’t have a land-line phone. Therefore my cell is my only phone. In addition just because I always have my phone on me, it doesn’t mean that it is always on.

I believe that there is a time and place to have your cell turned on. Firstly, during my work/school hours (8:00am – 5:00pm), I am in my office and therefore have my cell off. I have an office number and an email address if one needs to get a hold of me. It’s not fair to my office mates if someone calls and I am not there to answer my phone and it keeps ringing and ringing and then my voice mail song goes off. Secondly, if I am out with my friends (or at an event), my phone is usually turned off because I believe it is quite RUDE to talk on the phone in front of everyone. An additional reason why I may not answer it is because my phone only rings 4 times and then goes onto voice mail. Consequently, if my phone is buried in my purse, somewhere unreachable, or I am in another room, I simple cannot get to it in time.

So please do not lecture people with cell phones that they are unreachable. Just because they have a cell, doesn’t mean they have it turned on or have to answer it. Here is my advice: if your calling someone between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm during the weekdays, don’t expect them to answer and treat the situation as if you are calling their land line and they are not home to pick up.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lack Of Available Testosterone

If one decided to scope out the male U of A Graduate students in the Biology department, you would notice that almost all are either married, engaged, or entangled in a long term relationship; yet us women are flying solo. Qualitatively, females are dominating the sex ratio; therefore the men are a hot commodity. Since all the U of A graduate males seemed to be locked up we have to wonder "are the guys involved with other female grad students or are satellite females coming in and snagging out men?" This brings us to the question “where does a girl go to meet a guy” outside of the Graduate Department? People say you can find love anywhere, but my eyes are wide open and I don’t see it. They also say that you can meet men almost any where you go, including these popular places: grocery store, local coffee shop, pub, and bar. The thing with this is, if you find yourself at one of these locations, your not there long enough to actually strike up a decent conversation with a guy.

Grocery Store
I’m sorry, if a guy approached me in the supermarket and asked me “is this melon ripe?”, well I would simple state the obvious answer (with maybe a teasing smirk) and go back to molesting the fruit (to see if it’s ripe). How in world does someone in their right mind acquire a date out of “supermarket talk” unless the guy is super-sexy and you just want his body!

Coffee Shop
Coffee shops are similar to grocery stores, but you’re usually bye yourself, reading some form of entertainment, or you may be with a friend, talking gossip. So how do you meet a guy here? Maybe you start chatting while both of you are in line. Hmmm, maybe your opening remark could be “So why do you come here?” Da, for the coffee stupid! You never know, maybe this will be hilarious to him and you end up sitting together. Actually, maybe I should try that: I don’t have anything to lose, or do I?

Now, it may be easier to meet someone at a Pub and/or Bar, but then you have to think about their (male) intentions. Now boys, I know not every guy has sex on the brain when they're at a social bar, but majority do (especially if your single). So, you really have to be careful. However, I like this atmosphere because it’s a great way to social and smile at a guy across the room.

So, can anyone suggest an easier way to meet single men? My sister has suggested that I be more of a B@^>H (if you cannot figure that out, here’s a hint: It’s the B-word). Unfortunately it’s not in my nature (unless I am really mad and that seldom happens). Now, it’s not that I am desperate for a man, because I am not. However, it would be nice to meet more individuals of the opposite sex.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Canada's Food Guide

My friend sent me the new-and-improved Canada Food Guide (CFG). I enjoyed looking over the suggested daily servings for each food groups; while smirking because I realized that I am not an avid CFG follower. What really shocked me was what was writing in the purple box titled “Eat Well”. For those who know me, know that I have a mean sweet tooth. I cannot go one day without something sweet. Below is the part that made my mouth drop:

Another important step towards better health and a healthy body weight is to follow Canada’s Food Guide by:

Limiting foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar or salt (sodium) such as cakes and pastries, chocolate and candies, cookies and granola bars, doughnuts and muffins, ice cream and frozen desserts, French fries, potato chips, nachos and other salty snacks, alcohol, fruit flavoured drinks, soft drinks, sports and energy drinks, and sweetened hot or cold drinks.

What do they mean by “limiting”! They might-as-well have just told us to “avoid” these foods; unless we want to be overweight. I’m sorry but I could not even think of avoiding, let alone limit myself to these intoxicating and satisfying foods. They are a required element of our daily lives. Without them, we would have a boring buffet of foods. If this was true, our appetite would be non-existing. Wait! That’s what they want; they don’t want us to eat so that we can look like that stereotypical emaciated, drama queen model, which is so fragile you are scared to breathe on her. I cannot even fathom how someone can with-hold themselves of these items as they diet. This would drive me to insanity.

If I was trying to watch my weight, some of those items would stay in my diet, and not as a limiting item, but ones I would consume regularly. Come on, cookies, granola bars, muffins, and fruit drinks are foods that I digest without thinking that their fat content will be deposited in my tissues.

It’s funny, as we speak, I am eating a muffin. Well, at least it’s a low fat blueberry bran muffin. And you know what, later on I’m going to have a granola bar (maybe two if I am really hungry).

This box is inadequate, for it is saying that we should live off of fresh fruits and vegetables. Okay, so it’s not actually saying that, but that’s how I interpreted it. I emailed my friend that sent me the CFG to voice my opinion on this “purple box” suggestion, stating that I cannot live off of fruits and veggies and lead a happy, fulfilled life (I didn’t say exactly that, but you get my drift). She replied back suggesting that I eat chocolate covered fruits and veggies! This is her compromise; however she must not have seen that chocolate was one of the listed items. Therefore, I couldn’t indulge myself in her creation; though I am thankful that I don’t have to, because I don’t think chocolate covered vegetables would be that appetizing!

So the point of this rampage is not to lead an unfulfilling life of fruit and vegetable diets, but to indulge in some foods that you crave and drool over (mine would be chocolate chip cookies)!

Friday, February 02, 2007

A great visit at home

I have finally found some time to actually sit down and write another entry in my BLOG. Thank goodness this blog isn’t a part of the supply-and demand industry!

This entry is going to be short and sweet. I will start out by saying that I had the best time at home this past Christmas. I visited my Sis in Niagara Falls for ca. one week; that was a blast. I especially liked going to the bar called 365 in the casino she works at. There was a great cover band playing, and wow was the lead singer every HOT! Plus he kept looking over at our table, so eye contact was inevitable. Unfortunately, I believe he’s engaged. Back in Owen Sound I spent a lot of time with my family and one of my best friends, Crystal. It was really fun running around the city with my mom as we prepared for Christmas, vegging-out on the couch, visiting my Uncle Harold, losing money at the Casino (watching my parents win money) with my parents and Uncle Harold, and sleeping in Crystals haunted house (it’s actually haunted!). When I wasn’t with my sis or parents I was in Port Elgin visiting Crystal and her family. I made some unforgettable memories with her this year. I especially liked going to the Queens for Karaoke and spending New Years Eve with her (a tradition that we have going.

Since being back in Edmonton I found myself buried in school work. This allows me to overlook the mild case of “homesick syndrome” that I have acquired after leaving Owen Sound on a bus bound for Edmonton. Before heading home for the Christmas Break I was extremely homesick, now that I am back, I wouldn’t say that I am as homesick as I was, however. I definitely have the feeling of being isolated from my family. I miss you guys!!!