Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cell phone usage

Just because I own a cell phone doesn’t mean that I have to answer it 24/7. I have had people leave messages on my cell or tell me in person they have no idea why I have a cell phone if I never answer it or have it on. Let me make something clear, yes I do have a cell phone and no I don’t have a land-line phone. Therefore my cell is my only phone. In addition just because I always have my phone on me, it doesn’t mean that it is always on.

I believe that there is a time and place to have your cell turned on. Firstly, during my work/school hours (8:00am – 5:00pm), I am in my office and therefore have my cell off. I have an office number and an email address if one needs to get a hold of me. It’s not fair to my office mates if someone calls and I am not there to answer my phone and it keeps ringing and ringing and then my voice mail song goes off. Secondly, if I am out with my friends (or at an event), my phone is usually turned off because I believe it is quite RUDE to talk on the phone in front of everyone. An additional reason why I may not answer it is because my phone only rings 4 times and then goes onto voice mail. Consequently, if my phone is buried in my purse, somewhere unreachable, or I am in another room, I simple cannot get to it in time.

So please do not lecture people with cell phones that they are unreachable. Just because they have a cell, doesn’t mean they have it turned on or have to answer it. Here is my advice: if your calling someone between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm during the weekdays, don’t expect them to answer and treat the situation as if you are calling their land line and they are not home to pick up.


At 7:27 PM, Blogger Ellie Fish said...

Amen sister! Down with cell phones!

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you make me laugh...


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