Tick Tock, Tick Tock!
Sometimes I wonder how time flies when a day can seem so long. Like always, this semester went by fast, yet I cannot remember what I did to pass the time or recall my accomplishments. When I look back on the last couple months, the only thing I did was re-write some grants, analyze data, and prepare a poster and presentation (for two separate outings), and read various articles. While doing so little in terms of work, I utilized over 90 days of my life. I am either a slow (perfectionist) worker or the the worlds largest procrastinator. It’s surreal!
When I look back on my past, I want to smile and tell people what I have done. However, unfortunately I am 25 years old and have no real accomplishments, equity, or even a relationship that illustrates how I have lived my life. Wait a minute, I am in a relationship, a long-term relationship with my education; encompassing 19 years. At least when I talk about things linked to biology, I light up. Right now the only thing I have to show is an undergraduate degree in Wildlife and habitat ecology and a half accomplished masters’ degree in Environmental Biology and Ecology. But what does this show in terms of accomplishments after 25 years, in my eyes, nothing! The worst thing is that I don’t know what I want to do after my masters. Well, in an education perspective, getting an undergraduatge degree in Biology and then persueing a masters degree is something to smile about. One has to love school to stay in it as long as I have; which I do!
Like everyone else, I will have to wait and see where life takes me. With this, do I rely on faith to control my life, or do I make it happen? I would say it takes a little faith and self-direction. Personal faith in myself has driven me this far, while knowing that if I don’t push myself everyday to do what I love, while making various decisions on the way, I wouldn’t be here. I guess it has taken me a little longer to get where I am, at the same time, understand that there is still mystery in my future. So when you look back on your past you see that time has in fact flown by, yet stands still when you live in the present.
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