A tangent and an Easter Memory
It’s Easter Monday and I am working from home. Surprisingly I am getting a lot done. I was going to take the whole day off but my conscience got the better of me. I ended up taking part of the morning off; due to me sleeping in until 8:30am and having my friend Crystal call me to say Happy Easter. Now the funny thing is that she woke me up from a deep sleep and I can not remember the beginning of our conversation. I was still half a sleep. In my sleepy haze, I believe she said Happy Easter. We ended up talking on the phone for more than thirty five minutes. Thanks Crystal, I really needed to talk to you.
Wow, that was one of the longest telephone calls I have had in a long time. Usually when I talk to anyone in Ontario, we end up having a five to ten minute conversation. I blame it on them because I try to keep the conversation going but they never have anything to add or contribute. Plus there seems to be nothing new happing in their lives. Nevertheless, I don’t believe that. Oh well, at least I have my Edmonton friends and they like to talk to me on the phone. Especially Ellie, she will call me and leave hilarious messages on my phone or intrigue me in an enlightening phone conversation; even when we had just seen each other a few hours earlier.
However, I do have one family member that defies this. I love how my big brother, Bob, calls me anytime of the day, including 1:30 am my time. Actually, I have come accustomed to these late night calls and miss them when they don’t happen. We usually talk about what he or I have done that day or night, and then the conversation always navigates to Hockey. Yep, the Oilers didn’t make it to the playoffs this year, but neither did Toronto. Ha, told you they wouldn’t make it, Bob! Lately I have even started calling him late at night too. It’s a way for me to think that I am back in Ontario, only minutes away from my family and friends.
Ah, I got off on a phone call tangent. I initially started talking about Easter, so I will now finish this entry talking about it. Easter weekend is almost as big as Thanksgiving weekend in my family. We always have people over and my mom cooks a feast fit to feed an army. I have one Easter memory that stands out. It involves my sister, me and the Easter bunny (now referred as Mr. B in the remainder of this blog). One Easter when we were a lot younger, my sister woke me up early, informing me that Mr. B had brought us a whole bunch of chocolates and gifts. As we snuck down stairs, making sure not to disturb mommy and daddy (and Mr. B if he was still there), Tina filled me in on what he had brought us. We both received really cool bright rain boots, since we were a fan of puddle jumping. We also got some clothes (Mr. B. must have known we were rapidly growing out of our Gem Doll jogging suits), and a lot of chocolate eggs and bunnies. However, to my great disappointment, by the time we got to the place where Mr. B. supposedly put our goodies, they were mysteriously gone!!! Nothing was in sight. Tina was surprised and insisted that they were there when she went up stairs to get me. The only sensible solution was that Mr. B. knew that Tina was going to go get me so he took everything back. In his mind, Tina's mad dash to get me was bad, for it wasn't morning yet and we should still be in bed. Therefore, we were bad girls. Thus, we sadly snuck back upstairs, understanding that we were in the wrong and would not get anything for Easter that year. By the time we made it done stairs the next morning we were not expecting anything. But to our surprise, everything was back! Mr. B must have forgiven us and returned everything. How kind!
It wasn’t until years later, that mom and dad filled us in on what really happened that morning. In fact, when Tina first came upstairs to get me, mom and dad knew what she was up to and decided to trick us by hiding everything; knowing that we would think that Mr. B. did it. They really got us with that trick.